Minna Maria

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yerker Andersson

Yerker Andersson
Sociology, teacher at Gally.

6.-7.10 Yerker Andersson came here and talked to us Frontrunners.
Who is he? He was born in Vallentuna, Sweden in the year 1929. He was a student at the Manilla school from 1937 to 1945 and then later left to Gallaudet University and he got a degree in Sociology. He was Vice President of the WFD board from 1975 to1983. He was then WFD`s President from 1983 to 1995. Yerker told us about WFD and Leadership. It was really interesting to hear about his experiences and we learnt a lot from him. He shared some of his knowledge and shared some ideas of what we could do in the future. There will be more about Yerker Andersson soon on our frontblog. You can see our website, there is a video interview with Yerker.

I want to write something short about WFD.
WFD is now 54 years old and next year will be 55 years old!

Some facts about the WFD:


1. V. Ieralla 1951-1955 from Italy
2. D. Vukotic 1955-1983 from Yogoslavia
3. Y. Andersson 1983-1995 from Sweden/USA
4. L. Kauppinen 1995-2003 from proud Finland
5. M. Jokinen 2003- from proud Finland

Some ”stages” of the Deaf World

Medical Model

Breaking Point

1987- Nowadays
Social Model

Q U E S T I O N:
Medical Model-->Breaking Point-->Social Model-->FUTURE?
What do you think will be our next model? Tell us via our FORUM, thank you!

Yerker, Thank you very much for coming here and sharing your knowledge and experiences. Thank you! It was very fascinating and I enjoyed it thoroughly. :)
